The new concept of Mexican food comes from decades in the restaurant industry, where we learned the ins & outs of this business & are trying to share a restaurant that brings the best food, service & price in one.
Read a bit further to understand why we chose the name "Axel's Taco Shop" for our new restaurant

Like we mentioned before, we have been a part of the Mexican Restaurant industry for more than 20 years, starting out in California as part of a Franchisee. That is where Abiazer learned the ropes of this complex field.
Over time, he noticed that there was potential in this industry and seeked to master it, something which the Franchise owner noticed as well.
Gaining the trust of the owner through years of hard work, he got the opportunity of venturing out from California and start a Franchise in Redmond, Oregon.
The name of the business is called Rigoberto's Taco Shop.
Starting from zero, Abiazer slowly but surely grew this restaurant into a local favorite. The food, drinks & way of treating people is what cemented the good reputation this restaurant currently has.
Noticing the great potential of this business, he & Irene, her wife, took a big leap of faith into starting out his own taco shop.
Having 3 kids (Avi, Axel & Isis), they wanted to leave them a legacy that will surpass through time. So they decided to name the business after their second child, Axel.
They will carry the torch of what their parents have created for years... A local restaurant where you have delicious Mexican food, tasty drinks, welcoming service, rapid service & great value for your money.
So you, your family & future generations can enjoy the vast flavors our culture has to offer.
¡Buen Provecho!